• 2024-01-25 Oslo, Sentralen: First perfromance of recontruction iii/portrait of a city with sewing machines and recontruction iv/intimate measures, Alpaca ensemble

  • 2024-02-04 Oslo, Galleri Semmingsen: Performance of Waning Crescent with Caroline Eidstein Dahl and Ruth Solveig Steinsland

  • 2024-02-14 Japan, Nara: Performance of Waning Crescent with Caroline Eidstein Dahl and Ruth Solveig Steinsland

  • 2024-02-17 Japan, Kobe: Performance of Waning Crescent with Caroline Eidstein Dahl and Ruth Solveig Steinsland

  • 2024-02-19 Japan, Tokyo: Performance of Waning Crescent with Caroline Eidstein Dahl and Ruth Solveig Steinsland

  • 2024-02-29 Oslo, Gamle Logen: First performaance of An Atlas of Geographical Wonders/Part I: Rivers with Vertavo String Quartet

  • 2024-03-03 Oslo, Litteraturhuset: Performance of Det begynte med at han klekket ut fugleegg with NyNorsk Messingkvintett

  • 2024-03-08 Halden, Fredrikshald Teater: Soloconcert

  • 2024-03-08 Oslo, Sentralen: Performance of Kullsorte Katedraler with Caroline Eidstein Dahl

  • 2024-03-09 Drammen, Galleri Athene: Performance of Kullsorte Katedraler with Caroline Eidstein Dahl

  • 2024-03-16 Oslo, Scenehuset: Showing of Embroidered gestures with Janne Camilla Lyster

  • 2024-04-25 Oslo, Only Connect: Performance of reconstruction ii/the textile factory for 9 musicians, soundfile and video, Alpaca Ensemble



  • 2023-01-13 Oslo, Munch Museum: Concert together with Teip Trio. Part of All Ears Festival

  • 2023-03-07 Oslo, Norma T: I am playing at the release of Janne-Camilla Lyster’s Choreographic Toolbox

  • 2023-03-08 Halden, Vannvogna: First performance of Det begynte med at han klekket ut fugleegg with NyNorsk Messingkvintett

  • 2023-03-11 Fredrikstad: SPUNK in concert, Part of VinterRiss festival

  • 2023-04-13 Stavanger: Concert with Kristoffer Alberts and Lasse Marhaug

  • 2023-05-06 Oslo, Hærverk: Release of Lemur’s Critical Bands album

  • 2023-05-10 Oslo, Barratt-Due Kammersal: perfomance of Tryllesangen, Mads Oliver Hamberg

  • 2023-06-03 Vitlycke, Sweden: Work in progress showing of Embroidered gestures with Janne Camilla Lyster

  • 2023-07-07 Kongsberg Jazzfestival: Concert with Thomas Lehn, Lotte Anker, Kristoffer Alberts, Michael Duch and Ståle Liavik Solberg

  • 2023-08-27 Oslo, Emanuel Vigeland Mausoleum: First performance of Kullsorte katedraler for solo recorder, Caroline Eidstein Dahl

  • 2023-09-09 Gjøvik, INN:PUST-festival: performance of Five Moments for Two Guitars, Tomas Laukvik Nannestad and Marco Slaviero

  • 2023-11-11 Fredrikstad Domkirke Høst-Riss: First performance of Then the Lord spoke to the fish and it vomited Jonah out upon dry land, perfomance of Waning Crescent and Fantasi over folketonen «Å at jeg kunne min Jesus prise», Daniel Sæther (conutertenor), Caroline Eidstein Dahl (recorders), Ruth Solveig Steinsland (recorders), Jadran Duncumbe (therobe), Andre Lislevand (gamba), Anders Eidstein Dahl (organ)

  • 2023-11-29 Reykjavik: Performance of Off Soundings fluteconcerto with Bjørnar Habbestad (flute), Ensemble Caput, Gudni Franzon (conductor) and Lemurs Critical Bands


  • 2022-01-28 Trondheim Dokkhuset, Premiere reconstruction V/shadows of machines, Michael F. Duch bass, video by Jeremy Welsh

  • 2022-03-02 Oslo Munchmuseet, Portrait concert with 5 of my works: Five movements for two guitars, Waning Crescent, Spinning Jenny, SKIN

  • 2022-05-02 Trondheim Cinemateket, Lemur in concert

  • 2022-07-08 Kongsberg Jazz Festival, Party + 1: John Butcher, Tony Buck, Per Zanussi, Ståle Liavik Solberg, Lene Grenager + Pat Thomas

  • 2022-09-21 Oslo Ultima Festival, Lemur: Symphonie Magnetophonique, three concerts in Oslo

  • 2022-11-06 Wells, Ulimited festival, Spunk in concert

  • 2022-11-26 Bergen, Jazzfestivalen 2022, solo concert

  • 2022-12-14 Trondheim, Rosendal Teater: First performance of reconstruction ii/the textile factory for 9 musicians, soundfile and video

  • 2022-12-15 Trondheim, Rosendal Teater: First performance of reconstruction ii/the textile factory for 9 musicians, soundfile and video


  • 2021-06-12 Blaker Kunstskanse, Premiere Waning Crescent with Ruth Solveig Steinsland and Caroline Eidstein Dahl

  • 2021-06-26 Oslo, Nasjonal Jazzscene: Motlys festival: SPUNK in concert

  • 2021-07-09 Kongsberg Jazzfestival: solo concert

  • 2021-08-07 Rosendal Chamber Music Festival: Performance of Kvartett, Huldreslått and Systema Naturae

  • 2021-08-08 Rosendal Chamber Music Festival: Performance of parts of Mixed-Handedness

  • 2021-09-05 Oslo, Ekeberg: Lemur outdoor concert

  • 2021-09-16 Oslo, Black Box: Love Polyphonic, Metamorphoses by Janne Camilla Lyster, Cecilie Lindeman Steen and Lene Grenager. Part of Ultima festival

  • 2021-09-17 Oslo, Black Box: Love Polyphonic, Metamorphoses by Janne Camilla Lyster, Cecilie Lindeman Steen and Lene Grenager. Part of Ultima festival

  • 2021-09-18 Oslo, Black Box: Love Polyphonic, Metamorphoses by Janne Camilla Lyster, Cecilie Lindeman Steen and Lene Grenager. Part of Ultima festival

  • 2021-09-19 Oslo, Rikscenen: Premiere Svarteboka, Unni Løvlid and Marianne B. Lie. Part of Ultima Festival

  • 2021-11-13 Oslo, : Concert Ståle Liavik Solberg and Lene Grenager


  • 2020-01-16 Glasgow, CCA: Lemur and Amor in concert

  • 2020-01-18 Anstruther: Lemur in concert

  • 2020-01-28 Oslo, Blow out: Concert with Tanja Orning, Per Zanussi and Lene Grenager

  • 2020-02-29 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Lemur in concert

  • 2020-05-20 greenhousesessions.com : Green House Sessions #1

  • 2020-06-20 greenhousesessions.com : Green House Sessions #2

  • 2020-07-20 greenhousesessions.com : Green House Sessions #3

  • 2020-08-20 greenhousesessions.com : Green House Sessions #4

  • 2020-08-29 Veieland: Lemur in concert

  • 2020-09-12 Oslo, Ultima: SPUNK 25 year anniversary concert

  • 2020-09-20 greenhousesessions.com : Green House Sessions #5

  • 2020-10-10 Nesodden: concert with Ståle Liavik Solberg and Lene Grenager

  • 2020-10-20 greenhousesessions.com : Green House Sessions #6

  • 2020-10-29 Trondheim, Rosendal teater: Premiere Lemur/Pendry Enemy of the People

  • 2020-10-30 Trondheim, Rosendal teater: Lemur/Pendry Enemy of the People

  • 2020-10-31 Trondheim, Rosendal teater: Lemur/Pendry Enemy of the People

  • 2020-11-01 Trondheim, Rosendal teater: Lemur/Pendry Enemy of the People


  • 2019-01-31 Oslo, Blå: Kate Pendry and Lemur Enemy of the state workshop

  • 2019-02-23 Copenhagen, Lygten: The community Concert with Lotte Anker and Nina de Heney

  • 2019-02-27 Oslo, Aulaen: First performance of Traces of Light with Norwegian Broadcasting Orchestra KORK

  • 2019-03-30 Oslo, Atelier Nord: Lemur in concert

  • 2019-04-30 Tønsberg: Concert with Chris Cutler et al Nonfigurativ Musikk

  • 2019-05-09 Skien, Spriten: SPUNK in concert

  • 2019-05-10 Oslo, Margarethakyrkan: Performance of breathe by quivering leaves with Det Norske Solistkor

  • 2019-06-07 Athens, Tectonics festival: Concert with Lemur

  • 2019-07-02 Kongsberg Jazz festival: Atomic and Trondheim Jazz Orchestra

  • 2019-08-25 Oslo, Modushuset: First performance of Fire Fuglesanger with Duo Parula

  • 2019-08-29 Oppegård kirke: SPUNK in concert

  • 2019-09-03 Oslo, Nasjonalbiblioteket: Performance of breathe by quivering leaves with Det Norske Solistkor

  • 2019-09-13 Oslo, Kunsthøgskolen: I perform Janne Camilla Lysters Nattlig at exibition opening. Part of Ultima.

  • 2019-09-14 Stavanger, Tou: Concert with Tanja Orning, Per Zanussi and me.

  • 2019-09-21 Tønsberg, Biblioteket: SPUNK in concert

  • 2019-09-21 Oslo, Biermansgården: Lene Grenager solo, Michael F. Duch and Koen Nutters duo

  • 2019-09-24 Oslo, Blow out: Lemur in concert

  • 2019-09-27 TRondheim: Lemur in concert

  • 2019-11-15 Oslo, Victoria: Atomic and Trondheim Jazz orchestra

  • 2019-11-29 Oslo, Vega scene: Booklaunching and performance of the project Tre Partiturer with SISU percussion trio, Jennifer Torrence and Bonnie Whiting, Lemur and others


  • 2018-01-20-31. Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet - Arkitektur: Opening of installation Polytop by Lemur

  • 2018-01-27 Oslo, Kulturhuset: Concert with Ketil Gutvik, Julie Kjær and Lene Grenager

  • 2018-02-01-4. Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet - Arkitektur: Installation Polytop by Lemur

  • 2018-02-09 Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet - Arkitektur: First performance of Lemuria in Oslo. With Unni Løvlid, Agnes Hvizdalek, Lemur and Thorolf Thuestad

  • 2018-02-10 Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet - Arkitektur: Performance of Lemuria in Oslo. With Unni Løvlid, Agnes Hvizdalek, Lemur and Thorolf Thuestad

  • 2018-02-11 Copenhagen: Concert with Torben Snekkestad, Sten Sandell, Ståle Liavik and Lene Grenager

  • 2018-02-13 Oslo, Mir Blow out: Concert with Torben Snekkestad, Sten Sandell, Ståle Liavik and Lene Grenager

  • 2018-03-02 Bologna, Italy: Lemur in Concert

  • 2018-03-04 Zero Branco, Italy: Lemur in concert

  • 2018-03-15 Oslo, Hærverk: SPUNK in concert

  • 2018-04-10 Trondheim: Concert lecture with Lemur

  • 2018-05-05 Oslo, Villa Stenersen: Lemur in concert

  • 2018-06-10 Oslo, Grønlandskvartalet: Lemur Hjemme hos! Part of collaboration with Najsonalmuseet -Arkitektur

  • 2018-06-16 Oslo, Sørenga: Lemur Hjemme hos! Part of collaboration with Najsonalmuseet -Arkitektur

  • 2018-08-16 Oslo, Mir Blow Out!: Concert together with Hamid Drake and Isabelle Duthoit

  • 2018-09-14 Oslo, Lindemansalen: Opening of CREMAH conference. I play Ulna from the new album Mixed Handedness

  • 2018-09-14 Oslo, Nasjonalmuseet Arkitektur: Opening of installation Leilighetsportretter by Ellen Røed and Lemur.

  • 2018-09-16 Oslo, Hovseter: Lemur Hjemme hos! Part of collaboration with Najsonalmuseet -Arkitektur

  • 2018-09-17 Oslo, Hotell Continental: Ny Musikk 80 år. I play Kåre Kolberg with Tanja Orning and Per Zanussi

  • 2018-09-17 Oslo, St Edmunds church: Ny Musikk 80 år. Peformance of «breathe by quivering leaves» with Sofia Jernberg, Agnes Hvizdalek, Janne Berglund, Eva Landro, Eirik Krokfjord and Jon Harthug

  • 2018-09-20 Oslo, Jacob kirke: First performance of Wood and Metal for SISU percussion. Part of Ultima festival

  • 2018-10-27 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Huset spiller! Big happening with 100 perfromers. Lemur and friends.

  • 2018-11-17 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: For Harald Solberg. Final concert in the series PB 1898 wich has run for 7 years. Lemur with Morten Barrikmo, Espen Reinertsen, Eivind Lønning, Martin Taxt, Ane Marthe Sørlien Hoen, Jennifer Torrence, Kari Rønnekleiv, Ole Henrik Moe and Tanja Orning

  • 2018-12-4 Oslo, Kafe Hærverk: Blow out! Bjørnar Habbestad flute and Lene Grenager cello

  • 2018-12-18 Oslo, Kafe Hærverk: Blow out! Christmas speciale with Ståle Liavik and others


  • 2017-03-02 Halden, Brygga Kultursal: Premiere of my work "the frog, the squirrel and the woodpecker" with soloists Kristin Haagensen, Andre

  • Fjørtoft and Det Norske Blåseensemble conducted by Magnus Loddgard

  • 2017-03-03 Sarpsborg, Black box: Premiere of my work Spinning Jenny for Elisabeth Holmertz and Kenneth Karlsson

  • 2017-03-04 Fredrikstad, Blå Grotte: SPUNK in concert

  • 2017-03-05 Moss, Arena: Performance of Fumblemumble for bass-clarinet with Mats Lemjan and Kvintett with Østfold Strykekvartett and Rune B. Bekkhus

  • 2017-03-08 Bergen, Borealis festival: Premiere of DIKHROOS by SPUNK for SFMK and SPUNK. Opening concert Borealis Festival

  • 2017-03-10 Bergen, Borealis festival: Premiere of Lemuria by Lemur with guests Unni Løvlid and Stine Janvin Motland

  • 2017-04-21 Oslo, Biermansgården Bidrobon: Lene Grenager i dypet. With Morten Barrikmo, Michael F. Duch, Gjetrtrud Pedersen and myself. Works for bassclarinett, contrabassclarinett, cello and double bass.

  • 2017-04-26 Kristiansand: Lemur in concert

  • 2017-02-17 Oslo, Ingensteds: Concert with Lemur and Microtub

  • 2017-05-05 Reykjavik, Island Mengi: Lemur in concert

  • 2017-05-06 Reykjavik, Island Harpan: Lemur in concert with Caput ensemble

  • 2017-06-14 Oslo, Emanuel Vigeland mausoleet: Concert and discussion

  • 2017-06-24 Oslo, Oslo Kunsthall: Performance of Studie i Grått by Janne-Camilla Lyster with dancer Torunn Robstad and me

  • 2017-06-25 Oslo, Oslo Kunsthall: Performance of Studie i Grått by Janne-Camilla Lyster with dancer Torunn Robstad and me

  • 2017-06-28 London, Cafe OTO: Lemur in concert

  • 2017-07-08 Kongsberg, jazzfestival: Lemur in concert

  • 2017-11-02-12. Oslo, OSL series: Exibition Hanne Borchgrevink LYD og BILDE where I together with 9 colleagues have composed to three pictures of Hanne.

  • 2017-11-03 Moss by- og industrimuseum: My installation Østfolds tapte lydbilder will exibit until the middle of January. Opening event at 18.00. Concert with Jernberg/Grenager duo and Parallax from 19.00

  • 2017-11-04 Moss by- og industrimuseum: Cello mek with cello ensemble lead by Liv Frengstad and me. Industrial sounds for cello.

  • 2017-11-05 Fredrikstad, Glemmen kirke: First performance of my choir piece breathe by quivering leaves performed by Borg Domkor conducted by Tore Erik Mohn. I play solo and Lemur play a set.

  • 2017-12-01 Oslo, Biermansgården: Duo Parula plays my Garden Works together with works by Ragnhild Berstad, Kari Beate Tandberg, Cecilie Ore

  • and Ewa Jacobson

  • 2017-11-11 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Lemur in concert

  • 2017-08-20 Svartskog kirke: SPUNK in concert

  • 2017-09-10 Oslo, Sentralen: SPUNK in concert. Part of Ultima festival

  • 2017-09-16 Gerlesborg: First performance of Shadows of Ideas with Parcour, Krock and Rank

  • 2017-09-17 Oslo, Deichman Grünerløkka: Performance of Shadows of Ideas with Parcour, Krock and Rank

  • 2017-10-07 Oslo, Kunstnernes hus: Label night with +3db. I play solo.

  • 2017-11-12 Trondheim, Verkstedhallen: Marianne Baudouin Lie performs my Tryllesangen

  • 2017-11-12 Trondheim, Verkstedhallen: Premiere of Ulvedrømmer - a musical with Marianne B. Lie, Music by Lene Grenager, Text Marianne B. Lie, Choreography Lie and Grenager


  • 2016-02-06 Oslo, Jacobs kirke: Live Roggen´s Apocaluptein with me in the band

  • 2016-02-10 St. Boswell, Scotland: Lemur in concert

  • 2016-02-11 Newcastle: Lemur in concert

  • 2016-02-12 Glasgow: Lemur in concert

  • 2016-03-05 Oslo, Majorstua kirke: Releaseconcert Lemur

  • 2016-03-16 Chicago: SPUNK in concert

  • 2016-03-17 New York, Roulette: SPUNK in concert

  • 2016-04-26 Stockholm, Khimaira: Releaseconcert for "Lene Grenager: Works for bass" and "Khipukamayuq" with Michael F. Duch and Marianne B. Lie

  • 2016-04-27 Trondheim, Øra studio: Releaseconcert for "Lene Grenager: Works for bass" and "Khipukamayuq" with Michael F. Duch and Marianne B. Lie

  • 2016-04-28 Oslo, Deichman Grünerløkka: Releaseconcert for "Lene Grenager: Works for bass" and "Khipukamayuq" with Michael F. Duch and Marianne B. Lie

  • 2016-04-29 Veierland velforening: Releaseconcert for "Lene Grenager: Works for bass" and "Khipukamayuq" with Michael F. Duch and Marianne B. Lie

  • 2016-04-30 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Releaseconcert for "Lene Grenager: Works for bass" and "Khipukamayuq" with Michael F. Duch and Marianne B. Lie

  • 2016-05-21 Oslo, Sentralen Only connect festival: concert with Christian Markley, Ilan Volkov, Rhodri Davis and Lene Grenager

  • 2016-05-22 Bologna, Italy Agnelica festival: SPUNK in concert

  • 2016-06-11 Oslo, Biermansgården Bidrobon: Duo Parula perfoms my "Tre eller blod"

  • 2016-07-09 Varberg, Grimeton: SPUNK in concert

  • 2016-08-11-21. Borås, Borås konstmuseum: Exibition of myinstallation FyraPlatser i Väst-Sverige. Vernissage/ConcertAug 11th at 16.00

  • 2016-08-27-31. Fengersfors, Not Quite: Exibition of my installation Fyra Platser i Väst-Sverige. Vernissage/Concert Aug 27th at 18.00

  • 2016-09-01-10. Fengersfors, Not Quite: Exibition of my installation Fyra Platser i Väst-Sverige.

  • 2016-09-09 Göteborg, Röda Sten: Concert in connection with KLangbotten: Hanna Hartman, Lene Grenager, Chris Porcarelli, Magnus Haglund, Iska Eldh, Johan Jutterström, Jennifer Torrence, Elena Wolay

  • 2016-09-10 Fengersfors, Not Quite: Finnissage/Concert at 18.00 Lene Grenager, Jennifer Torrence, Johan Jutterström

  • 2016-08-31 Gerlesborg, Gerlesborgskolan: Exibition of my installation Fyra Platser i Väst-Sverige.Vernissage/Concert at 19.30

  • 2016-09-01-30. Gerlesborg, Gerlesborgskolan: Exibition of my installation Fyra Platser i Väst-Sverige.

  • 2016-09-28 Gerlesborg, Gerlesborgskolan: Concert in connection with Klangbotten. Sofia Jernberg og Lene Grenager

  • 2016-09-29 Skövde, Skövde Konsthall: Concert in connection with Klangbotten. Sofia Jernberg og Lene Grenager

  • 2016-09-01-30. Skövde, Skövde Konstmuseum: Exibition of my installation Fyra Platser i Väst-Sverige.Vernissage/Concert at 18.00

  • 2016-10-01-16. Skövde, Skövde Konstmuseum: Exibition of my installation Fyra Platser i Väst-Sverige.

  • 2016-08-18 Oslo, Blow Out festival: Concert togetherwith TorbenSnekkestad

  • 2016-08-19 Arendal, ARTendal: Happening in connection with, Arendalsuka. Lemur in concert with Stian Westerhus

  • 2016-09-24 Tønsberg: Lemur in Concert

  • 2016-10-21 Oslo, Deichman: Performance of Lemurs Karyobin with Lemur and guests

  • 2016-10-22 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Performance of Lemurs Karyobin with Lemur and guests

  • 2016-11-22 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: Lemur 10-years. Concert with Lemur and Stian Westerhus

  • 2016-11-25Bergen, Lydgalleriet: Lemur 10-years. Concert with Lemur and Stian Westerhus

  • 2016-11-26 Nesodden: Lemur 10-years. Concert with Lemur and Stian Westerhus

  • 2016-11-19 Mülheim, Germany: SPUNK in concert


  • 2015-01-11 Oslo, All Ears: SPUNK with Joelle Leandre

  • 2015-01-17 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Oversettelser. Big happening with 100 performers. Opening of exibition. Lemur

  • 2015-02-26 Oslo, Henie-Onstad Art Centre: Performance of Broken Reel 1 with Kristine Tjøgersen and Ane Marthe Sørlien Holen

  • 2015-03-28 Voss Vossajazz: I am participating in Live Roggen´s commission for the festival

  • 2015-05-01-10. Halden, Spinneriet: Premiere of SPINN SPINN i connection with Halden town´s 350 years anniversary. I have made the soundscape/music for the play.

  • 2015-05-10 Oslo, Henie-Onstad Art Centre: Premiere of reconstruction/landscape with machines for Ensemble Zwischentöne from Berlin

  • 2015-06-06 Trondheim, Ringve Museum: Performance of Kiphukamayuq for cello and sinfonietta. With Marianne B. Lie and Trondheim Sinfonietta

  • 2015-05-30 Bergen, Siljustøl Part of Bergen International Festival. Ernst Simon Glaser performs Der Bach an der Quelle

  • 2015-07-30 Malmö: SPUNK in concert

  • 2015-08-15 Arendal, ARTendal In connection with Arendalsuka: Concerts, performance, Pecha Kucha by Lemur in collaboration with Bomuldsfabriken, MFO, Skuespillerforbundet, Forfatterforeningen

  • 2015-09-11 Oslo: SPUNK in concert

  • 2015-09-12 Fredrikstad, Gamlebyen Kirke: SPUNK in concert

  • 2015-10-09 Riga: Lemur in concert

  • 2015-10-30 Graz: SPUNK in concert

  • 2015-12-02 Oslo, Victoria: SPUNK 20-years anniversary-concert

  • 2015-11-18 Notam: Lemur and Stian Westerhus

  • 2015-11-19 Norsk Billedhuggersforenings villa: Releaseconcert for "Smilodon" and concert with Lemur feat Tanja Orning

  • 2015-11-01 Oslo Domkirke: Oslo Domkor premiers Tre religiøse folketoner


  • 2014-01-25 Göteborg, Sinober Teater: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Morten Barrikmo, Kari Rønnekleiv, Anna Lindal and Lene Grenager

  • 2014-01-26Göteborg, Sinober Teater: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Morten Barrikmo, Kari Rønnekleiv, Anna Lindal and Lene Grenager

  • 2014-01-31 Harstad, Ilios festival: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Morten Barrikmo, Kari Rønnekleiv, Anna Lindal and Lene Grenager

  • 2014-01-31 Harstad, Ilios festival: Concert with Jernberg/Grenager duo

  • 2014-02-24 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: Concert with Lemur feat. Neil Davidson

  • 2014-03-01 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Concert with Jernberg/Grenager duo

  • 2014-03-28 Albi, Grand Theatre Journées électriques: Premiere of Microphonie with Lemur feat. Benjamin Maumus

  • 2014-04-10 Reykjavik, Island Harpa: Lemur in Concert. Part of Tectonics festival

  • 2014-04-11 Reykjavik, Island Harpa, Eldborg: Performance of Critical Band in version for Island Symphony Orchestra, Lemur and conductor Ilan Volkov

  • 2014-05-02 Trondheim, Rockheim: Lemur and Dog and Sky music for silent movie Berlin: Sinfonie der Großstad

  • 2014-05-06 Oslo, Notam: Lemur feat. Benjamin Maumus performs Microphonie

  • 2014-05-10 Bergen, Lydgalleriet: Lemur feat. Benjamin Maumus performs Microphonie

  • 2014-06-07 Oslo, Biermansgården: Lemur in Concert. Part of Bidrobon series

  • 2014-08-13 Oslo: Lemur in concert. Part of Blow Out

  • 2014-07-18 Halmstad: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Morten Barrikmo, Kari Rønnekleiv, Anna Lindal and Lene Grenager

  • 2014-08-14 Svartskog kirke: SPUNK in concert

  • 2014-10-11 Stockholm Jazzfestival: Trondheim Jazzorchestra with Olav Luksengård Mjelva. Arrangements by Sofia Jernberg, Alex Zethson and Lene Grenager

  • 2014-08-31 Trondheim: First performance of Kiphukamayuq for cello and sinfonietta. With Marianne B. Lie and Trondheim Sinfonietta

  • 2014-11-15 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Lemur in concert

  • 2014-11-27 Glasgow: Lemur and Glasgow Improvisors Orchestra

  • 2014-11-29 New York, The stone: SPUNK in concert with Joelle Leandre

  • 2014-11-21 Huddersfield: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Morten Barrikmo, Kari Rønnekleiv, Anna Lindal and Lene Grenager

  • 2014-10-15 Tynset: First Performance of Bjørnsonsanger with Håvard Stensvold and Trondheim Symphony Orchestra

  • 2014-10-26 Copenhagen, Litteraturhaus: Lemurs Critical Band

  • 2014-11-29 New York, The stone: SPUNK in concert


  • 2013-07-15 Molde, Moldejazz: Trondheim Jazzorchestra and Albatrosh

  • 2013-01-21 London, Kings Place: Lemur in concert

  • 2013-03-21 Bergen: Lemur in concert with BIO

  • 2013-03-23 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken Pb1898: Lemur in concert

  • 2013-03-10 Halmstad: Concert with Jernberg/Grenager duo

  • 2013-03-11 Göteborg: Concert with Jernberg/Grenager duo

  • 2013-02-08 Bergen, USF 19:00: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Kari Rønnekleiv, Ole Henrik Moe and Lene Grenager

  • 2012-09-09 Oslo, Operaen: First performance of Smilodon for contrabassclarinet and sinfonietta. Rolf Borch with BIT20 and Pascal Rophé

  • 2013-01-17 Bodø: First perfomance of The Operation with Håkon Stene and Bodø Sinfonietta

  • 2013-02-09 Bergen, USF 19:00: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Kari Rønnekleiv, Ole Henrik Moe and Lene Grenager

  • 2013-02-10 Bergen, USF 13:00 and 19:00: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Kari Rønnekleiv, Ole Henrik Moe and Lene Grenager

  • 2013-02-11 Oslo, Ny Musikk Platous gate 12:00: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK release festival! Release of SPUNKs 12 year project on Rune Grammofon with daily concerts and one giant finale.

  • 2013-02-12 Oslo, Ny Musikk Platous gate 12:00: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK release festival! Release of SPUNKs 12 year project on Rune Grammofon with daily concerts and one giant finale.

  • 2013-02-12 Oslo, MIR Blow out! with Sofia Jernberg/Lene Grenager duo

  • 2013-02-13 Oslo, Ny Musikk Platous gate 12:00: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK release festival! Release of SPUNKs 12 year project on Rune Grammofon with daily concerts and one giant finale.

  • 2013-02-14 Oslo, Ny Musikk Platous gate 12:00: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK release festival! Release of SPUNKs 12 year project on Rune Grammofon with daily concerts and one giant finale.

  • 2013-02-15 Oslo, Ny Musikk Platous gate 12:00: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK release festival! Release of SPUNKs 12 year project on Rune Grammofon with daily concerts and one giant finale.

  • 2013-02-16 Oslo, Ny Musikk Platous gate 14:00: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK release festival! Release of SPUNKs 12 year project on Rune Grammofon with daily concerts and one giant finale.

  • 2013-02-17 Oslo, Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter14:00: Grand finale for Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK ´release festival! Release of SPUNKs 12 year project on Rune Grammofon. 12 musicians and 12 pitches

  • 2013-09-12 Oslo, Dansens hus: Premiere on Adventura Botanica with music by SPUNK

  • 2013-09-13 Oslo, Oslo konserthus: Premiere on my new work VEV for the Oslo Philharmonic

  • 2013-09-13 Oslo, Dansens hus: Adventura Botanica with music by SPUNK

  • 2013-11-20 Touluose Novelum festival: Lemur and Benjamin Maumus

  • 2013-05-23Stockholm, Capitol: Premiere of Alt tre skal beskytte deg for DuoEgo

  • 2013-10-25 Umeå: Trondheim Jazzorchestra with Olav Luksengård Mjelva. Arrangements by Sofia Jernberg, Alex Zethson and Lene Grenager

  • 2013-09-26 Oslo, Ridehuset: FSMK and soloist Elin Thorkildsen with conductor Haldis Rønning performs Off Soundings

  • 2013-07-23 Oslo, Cappelens Forslag: Concert in the series Gutvik Ukentlig. Trio with Audrey Lauro, Ketil Gutvik and Lene Grenager

  • 2013-09-20 Trondheim, Byscenen: First performance of practice-violence with Michael F. Duch, Moving the stones with Lemur and Sand, pebbles and gravel with Svartlamon Hardkor, Lemur, Dog and Sky and singers from Trondheim Voices

  • 2013-09-26 Bergen, Korskirken: First performance of Aasta Hansteens marsj with FMKV

  • 2013-10-10 Oslo: Lemur release the album Parish of Lemur

  • 2013-10-23 Oslo, Riksscenen: Trondheim Jazzorchestra with Olav Luksengård Mjelva. Arrangements by Sofia Jernberg, Alex Zethson and Lene

  • Grenager

  • 2013-09-14 Oslo, Dansens hus: Adventura Botanica with music by SPUNK

  • 2013-09-15 Oslo, Dansens hus: Adventura Botanica with music by SPUNK

  • 2013-11-05 Stockholm: Sciarrino: Lohengrin with Sofia Jernberg, Bjørnar Habbestad, Morten Barrikmo, Kari Rønnekleiv, Anna Lindal and Lene Grenager


  • 2012-02-10 Kiel Chiffren festival: SPUNK in concert

  • 2012-02-18Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken PB 1898: Duo concert with Tanja Orning

  • 2012-03-13 Trondheim: Concert together with Daniel Buner Formo, Bergmund Skaslien and Michael Duch

  • 2012-03-31 Voss Vossajazz: Trondheim Jazzorchestra plays arrangements of folk music by Sofia Jernberg, Lene Grenager and Alexander Zethson based on recordings by Olav Luksengård Mjelva

  • 2012-02-14 Oslo, MIR: Blow Out! with Lemur

  • 2012-03-03 Tromsø: Lemur at KonTak festival

  • 2012-03-30: Oslo, HavresekkenConcert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2012-03-18 Trondheim: Lemur improvising to the film Symphonie Diagonale by V. Eggeling

  • 2012-03-21 Trondheim, Gråmølna: Lemur in concert

  • 2012-04-28 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken PB1898: SPUNK in concert

  • 2012-04-08 Athens: SPUNK in concert

  • 2012-09-08 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken PB 1898: Happy Birthday John Cage! with Lemur

  • 2012-09-04 Göteborg: Lemur in concert

  • 2012-08-12Oslo, Oslo Kammermusikkfestival: First performance of Broken Reel

  • 2012-09-01Oslo, Sound of Mu: Lemur in concert

  • 2012-09-22 Trondheim, Nidarosdomen: First performance of Lemur: Critical Band. Closing concert at Trondheim Kammermusikkfestival

  • 2012-10-31 Bergen, Korskirken: Performance of Lemur: Critical Band. Part of Ekko festival

  • 2012-11-03 Oslo, Sofienberg kirke: Performance of Lemur: Critical band.

  • 2012-09-27 Stavanger, Tou scene: SPUNK in concert with Ellen Røed, video

  • 2012-11-16 Huddersfield: SPUNK in concert at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival

  • 2012-12-07 Berlin, Sofiensäle: SPUNK in concert at Corruptive Climate festival

  • 2012-12-20 Oslo, Fysikkbygget Bilndern: The last concert of SPUNKs 12 year project Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK

  • 2012-10-27 Nesodden: Lemur in concert

  • 2012-06-19 Trondheim, Vår Frue kirke: Marianne B. Lie plays Prelude, Sarabande, Gig

  • 2012-08-29 Ålesund: Lemur plays Cage

  • 2012-09-03 Fredrikstad: Lemur in concert

  • 2012-10-21 Moss, Arena 18.00: Lemur in Concert

  • 2012-11-17-30. Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: SPUNK has a big exhibition of installations covering the first floor of Bomuldsfabriken. Includes REIR, LYS, LEIR and films from the mines outside Bomuldsfabriken.


  • 2011-03-29 Stockholm, Fashing: Concert with Sofia Jernberg.

  • 2011-01-31 Oslo, Fabrikken: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2011-02-12 Oslo, Nasjonalbiblioteket: Barbro Marklund perfoms Drei Goethe Lieder

  • 2011-01-19 Oslo, Parkteateret BOA: first performance of a house and a tree

  • 2011-03-23 Odda: Performance of Say Cheese with Ensemble Fanfaroner

  • 2011-04-13 Oslo, Biermansgården: Concert together with Henrik Norstebo

  • 2011-02-11 Tokyo: Ensemble Kochi with soloist Lisa Dillan and conductor Isao Matsushita perform Steal, Stole, Stolen

  • 2011-05-10 Trondheim, Blæst PØKK: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2011-05-26 Bergen, Bergen Kunsthall: SPUNK opens exibition of works by Hanne Borchgrevink

  • 2011-05-27 Bergen, Rom 8: SPUNK in concert

  • 2011-05-31 Bergen, Rom 8: Opening of exibition, videowork with SPUNK by Asbjørn Flø and Andreas Paleologos

  • 2011-06-11 Trondheim: Concert and exibition of my works by Ny Musikk Trondheim

  • 2011-06-18 Trondheim: Lunchconcert with Lemur, Ilsvikøra 16

  • 2011-07-09 Kongsberg Jazz festival: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2011-07-20 Molde Jazz Festival: Concert with SPUNK and Joelle Leandre

  • 2011-08-08 Bodø: First performance of Der Bach an der Quelle by Ernst Simon Glaser, cello. Part of Nordland Musikkfestuke

  • 2011-06-22 Trondheim, Gråmølna: Concert with Lemur and Alpaca

  • 2011-09-07 Oslo, Biermansgården: Lemur in concert

  • 2011-09-10 Arendal, Bomuldsfabriken: Lemur opening new concert series

  • 2011-09-12 Oslo: SPUNK installation REIR opening. Part of the Ultima festival

  • 2011-09-16 Oslo: SPUNK concert in REIR

  • 2011-09-16 Oslo: Cikada premieres my work Nachts. Part of Ultima festival

  • 2011-09-09 Porsgrunn, Kafe K: Lemur in concert

  • 2011-09-17 Oslo, Atelier Camilla Wærenskjold, Gråbrødreveien 18:00 Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2011-10-15 Donaueschingen: Concert with SPUNK and Phantom Orchard Orchestra II. Part of Donaueschinger Musiktage.

  • 2011-10-19 Drammen, Union Scene: SPUNK in concert

  • 2011-10-26 Oslo, Betong: E-Lemur in Concert

  • 2011-11-05 Oslo, Arkitekturmuseet: Lemur and Polygon in concert

  • 2011-11-10 Grua kirke: Lemur in concert

  • 2011-11-15 Stockholm, Fylkingen: Concert with Jernberg/Grenager duo, Emil Strandberg group, Lemur and Sten Sandell + performance of Howard Skemptons Wave, shingel, seagull

  • 2011-11-19 Glasgow: Lemur in concert

  • 2011-11-19 Huddersfield: Cikada performs Grenager: Nachts

  • 2011-11-20 Oslo, Gammle Aker Kirke: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK, part 11

  • 2011-11-13 Trondheim, Vår Frue kirke: Lemur in concert

  • 2011-11-13 Hertogenbosch: Cikada plays Grenager: Nachts. Part of Novembermusic festival.

  • 2011-11-23 Levanger, Høgskolen i Nord Trøndelag: Performance of Prelude, Sarabande and Gig

  • 2011-11-24 Trondheim, Gråmølna: Concert with Trio Alpaca. Marianne Baudouin Lie plays Prelude, Sarabende and Gig.

  • 2011-11-18 Glasgow: Concert with Lemur and Neil Davidson

  • 2011-11-16 London, Cafe OTO: +3db labelnight: Lemur and Sten Sandell, Anton K, Morten Olsen, Bjørnar Habbestad


  • 2010-02-06 Harstad, Ilios: Performance of Kvartett with Trio Alpaca and Rolf Borch

  • 2010-04-24 Arendal, Bomullsfabrikken: Concert with Lemur

  • 2010-02-26 Oslo, Ny Musikk: First performance of Five movements for two guitars with Frevo

  • 2010-02-12 Kristianstad, Sweden: Concert with Kobert and Trondheim Jazzorkester

  • 2010-02-13 Västerås, Sweden: Concert with Kobert and Trondheim Jazzorkester

  • 2010-03-25 Bodø: Premiere of Steal, stole, stolen performed by Lisa Dillan and Bodø Sinfonietta conducted by Thomas Rimul

  • 2010-07-16 Nickelsdorf, Austria Konfrontationen: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2010-04-07 Oslo, Victoria scene: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2010-04-29 Oslo, Podium: Concert with N-Ensemble and Lemur

  • 2010-04-28 Bergen, Galleri 314: Concert with N-ensemble and Lemur

  • 2010-04-25 Oslo, Henie-Onstad: Cage-concert with Lemur and Tom Løberg

  • 2010-05-26 Östra Vemmerlöv, Sverige: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2010-05-29 Lørenskog: Concert with Sofia Jernberg in connection with opening of exibition with works by Kirsten Mørch

  • 2010-05-28 Oslo, Sound of Mu: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2010-08-27 Mulhouse, France: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2010-09-02 Oslo, Belleville at 21.00 (doors open 20.00): Concert with Frevo, performance of Five movements for two guitars

  • 2010-09-18 Trondheim, Nidarosdomen: Concert with Lemur, part of Michael Francis Duchs doctoral dissertation

  • 2010-10-20 Oslo, Brugata 3a: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK part X

  • 2011-05-06-8. Oslo, Cafeteateret: Mini-festival with my music together with works by Messiaen, Shostakovich and Copland performed by

  • Alpaca trio, Rolf Borch, Alexander Robson, Ole Wuttudal, Pekka Stokke (light/video), Klaus Høiland, Erling Sandmo, Ane Skumsvoll and films by Jan Svankmajer

  • 2010-11-20 Oslo, Nasjonal Jazzscene: Trondheim Jazzorchestra and Kobert in concert

  • 2010-11-30 Köln, Germany Loft: Lemur in concert

  • 2010-12-01 Bochum, Germany Museum: Lemur in concert

  • 2010-12-02 Aachen, Germany: Lemur in concert

  • 2010-12-03 Wuppertal, Germany ORT: Lemur in concert

  • 2010-12-05 Münster, Germany cuba-kultur: Lemur in concert

  • 2010-11-03 Bergen, Bergen Kunsthall: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2010-11-25 Inderøy, Nils Aas: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2010-11-26 Göteborg, Hagakyrkan: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2010-09-07 Bergen: Releaseconcert for the cd Sekstett (conradsound): Gjerstad, Skaset, Grenager, Tafjord, Mølstad, Moe

  • 2010-10-04 Oslo, Cafe Frölich: Concert with Albatrosh extended: cd release

  • 2010-10-07 Trondheim: Concert with Albatrosh extended: cd release

  • 2010-12-06 Amsterdam DNK: Lemur in concert

  • 2010-11-18 Trondheim, Samfundet: Trondheim Jazzorchestra and Kobert in concert

  • 2010-11-27 Rukjan, Rallarhuset: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2010-11-14 Nederland, Novembermusic: Premiere of Rondo for Michael with Michael Francis Duch

  • 2010-11-20 Huddersfield, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival: Michael Francis Duch plays Rondo for Michael

  • 2010-09-13 Oslo, Gamle Logen: Ensemble Ernst and Lisa Dillan perform Steal, stole, stolen. Part of Ultima festival


  • 2009-09-05 Kristiansand, Punkt Festivalen: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-01-15 Oslo, All Ears: Lemur in concert

  • 2009-03-06 Trondheim: Lemur in concert with Patrick Fitzgerald

  • 2009-03-07 Västerås,Sweden Perspectives: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2009-03-26 Bergen, Borealis: Soloperformance: Excerpts from Slåtter, slag og slark

  • 2009-03-25 Bergen, Borealis:Lemur in concert

  • 2009-02-03 Visby, Gotland: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2009-03-01 Oslo, Biermansgården Bidrobon: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2009-03-05 Trondheim: Lemur in concert

  • 2009-03-11 Oslo, Mono: Concert with Hild Sofie Tafjord and Kjetil Møster

  • 2009-05-10 Oslo, Henie-Onstad: SPUNK in concert: release of the new album Kantarell

  • 2009-03-13 Halden, Brygga Kultursal at 19.00 Vinterriss: Det Norske Blåseensemble will perform Naturum non facit saltum

  • 2009-03-13 Tromsø Kontak-festivalen: Affinis play the complete Affinis-suite

  • 2009-03-15 Moss, Arena: Cikada play Kvintett

  • 2009-04-11Stockholm, Fylkingen: Concert: I am playing Charisma with Gjertrud Pedersen and in Zorn: Cobra

  • 2009-04-23 Kassel, Schlachthof: Concert with Unni Løvlid and Hild Sofie Tafjord. Part of 12. Kasseler Weltmusikfest

  • 2009-04-25 Flensburg, Heiligengeist Kirche: Concert with Unni Løvlid and Hild Sofie Tafjord. Part of folkBaltica

  • 2009-05-11 Oslo, Norges Musikkhøgskole Concert: performance of Drei Goethe Lieder

  • 2009-04-03 Stockholm, Spy Bar: Concert with Sofia Jernberg and Patric Thorman

  • 2009-04-25 Oslo, Atriet Kongensgate 4: Cikada plays Kvintett

  • 2009-07-30 Dala-Floda, HAGENFESTEN: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2009-08-22 Oslo, Folkemuseet: I am playing parts of Slåtter, slag og slark. Part of Happy Nordic Music Days

  • 2009-09-10 Trondheim, Olavshallen: First performance of Im Viereck for Trondheim Symfoniorkester

  • 2009-09-17 Oslo, Ridehuset: First performance of Off soundings with Elin Thorkildsen and Forsvarets Stabsmusikkorps

  • 2009-09-20 Oslo, Hønse-Lovisas hus: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK IX

  • 2009-09-18 Oslo, Cosmopolite Folkelarm: Concert with Unni Løvlid and Hild Sofie Tafjord

  • 2009-10-16 Tromsø: First performance of Wave, curve, connect the dots for tuba, euphonium and strings

  • 2009-08-29 Fredrikstad, Domkirken: Concert with Det Norske Blåseensemble. They will perform Naturum non facit saltum

  • 2009-11-06 Wells, Austria: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2009-09-23 Oslo, Nasjonal Jazzscene: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-09-24 Bergen, Bergen Jazzforum Sardinen: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-09-25 Stavanger, Stavanger Jazzforum: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-09-26 Porsgrunn, Kafe K: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-09-27 Arendal, Bomullsfabrikken: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-10-01 Ørstad/Volda, Jazzklubben: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-10-02 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-10-03 Rukjan, Rallar Huset: Albatrosh (Andre Roligheten and Eyolf Dale) feat. Hild Sofie Tafjord and Lene Grenager

  • 2009-09-12 Oslo, Litteraturhuset Ultima: Garden works perfomed by Silje Marie Aker Johnsen and Kristine Kjøgersen

  • 2009-09-14 Oslo, Emanuel Vigeland mausoleum: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2009-10-22 Inderøy, Nils Aas: Concert with Lemur

  • 2009-10-23 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: Concert with Lemur, Trio Alpaca and Rolf Borch perform my Kvartett, Trondheim Sinfonietta with Bendik Hoff in new work by Jon Øivind Ness

  • 2009-10-25 Glasgow, Streetlevel: Concert with Lemur

  • 2009-10-26 Glasgow, Glasgow University Chapell: Concert with Lemur

  • 2009-11-01 Oslo, Henie-Onstad +3db-label day: Lemur in concert. Affinis perform parts of my Affinis-suite

  • 2009-09-01 Everywhere Release of new album on +3db: Grenager: Affinis-suite played by Affinis ensemble

  • 2009-08-30 Moss, Momentum Kunsthall: Concert with Det Norske Blåseensemble. They will perform Naturum non facit saltum

  • 2009-08-14 Nybergsund: Concert with Affinis-ensemble where they perform the complete Affinis-suite

  • 2009-10-27 Edinburgh, Allison House: Concert with Lemur

  • 2009-10-28 London, Ryan´s bar: Concert with Lemur

  • 2009-10-29 Manchester, Salford, St Stephen with St Phillip: Concert with Lemur

  • 2009-11-13 Oslo, Podium Dans for voksne: Concert with Kristin Andersen trp, Guro Skumsnes Moe db, Lene Grenager vlc

  • 2009-11-10 Wien, Austria: Concert with SPUNK


  • 2008-11-16 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: First performance of Recycled-Concertino for percussion and 9 instrumnts

  • 2008-11-22 Hong Kong, China OSAGE gallery: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-10-25 Oslo, Sound of Mu Fritt Fall: Concert with Kristin Andersen and Guro Skumsnes Moe

  • 2008-09-28 Trondheim, Ringve Museum: Liv Frengstad plays Tryllesangen as part of her Den Magiske Strengen.

  • 2008-09-17 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: Duped played by Arnulf Johansen. Ny Musikk 70 years anniversary.

  • 2008-11-30 Oslo, Biermansgården Bidrobon: Ensemble Fanfaronner plays Say Cheese.

  • 2008-11-06 Berlin H8: Lemur in concert

  • 2008-11-07 Brüssel QO2: Lemur in concert

  • 2008-11-09 Rotterdam, Worm: Lemur in concert

  • 2008-11-10 Hamburg, Golden Pudel: Lemur in concert

  • 2008-11-08 Brüssel QO2: Workshop with Lemur

  • 2008-12-06 Oslo, Sound of Mu Fritt Fall Festival: Lene Grenager solo

  • 2008-08-02 Bodø: Opening of SPUNK installation REIR

  • 2008-08-03 Bodø: SPUNK in concert

  • 2008-07-18 Nickelsdorf, Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen: SPUNK in concert

  • 2008-09-26 Oslo, Atriet Kongensgate 4 at 19.30 and 20.30: Concert with Tanja Orning. Electric and acoustic celloduo. Oslo Kulturnatt

  • 2008-11-21 Shenzhen, China Mooka space: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-11-30 Stockholm, Fylkingen at 14.00: First performance of "Sand, pebbles and gravel" for GLO (Great Learning Orchestra). Part of Fylkingen75years.

  • 2008-10-15 Stockholm, Samtida Musik: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2008-10-11 Bergen, Avgarde: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-08-20 Oslo, roof of Norwegian Opera, Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK, part 8

  • 2008-07-22 Oslo, Q Gutvik ukentlig: duo with Børre Mølstad

  • 2008-08-17 Åmot gard: First performance of "Say cheese" by Ensemble Fanfaronner

  • 2008-08-22 Oslo, Trefoldighetskirken: Concert together with Ellen Fullman. Arr.: Ny Musikk

  • 2008-09-25 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: First performance of "Moving the stones" with Else Olsen Storesund, Victoria Johnson, Øyvind Storesund and Michael Francis Duch. Trondheim kammermusikkfestival

  • 2008-10-05 Oslo, Biermansgården Bidrobon: Concert with Tanja Orning

  • 2008-11-17 Macau, China Ox house: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-11-19 Gouangzhou, China Gula space: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-11-20 Foshan, China Niniho gallery: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-01-11 Oslo, Sagene Kulturverksted: Concert together with Hild Sofie Tafjord as part of the series [sic]

  • 2008-02-29 Bergen, Borealis festival: Logen at 19.00: Naturum non facit saltum will be performed by Forsvarets Musikkorps Vestlandet

  • 2008-05-05 Oslo, Victoria scene: Unni Løvlid Ensemble

  • 2008-03-08 Stockholm, Fylkingen: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2008-04-24 Gävle, Sweden Gävle teater at 19.00: Ventil: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2008-05-01 Trondheim, Dokkhuset: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-05-17 Canada, Victoriaville FIMAV: SPUNK in concert

  • 2008-07-14 Molde, Jaxxfestival: Concert with Kobert and Trondheim Jazzorkester

  • 2008-01-28 Oslo, Norges Musikkhøgskole Lindemansalen at 18.00: first performance of my piece Hver avreise er en hjemkomst with Aline Nistad and Terje Winge

  • 2008-01-23 Oslo, Parkteatret: I am playing parts of Slåtter, slag og slark to begin a concert with Fläsk-kvartetten

  • 2008-03-01Bergen Borealisfestival: Logen at 22.00: First performance of the complete Affinis-suite: Attitude, Duped, Redolence, Intermittent interplay, Fumblemumble and Effect without cause.

  • 2008-01-22 Oslo, Sound of Mu: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-03-13: Oslo, Sofienberg kirke: Concert with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2008-05-02 Fredrikstad, Speilet: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-05-04 Oslo, Sound of Mu: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-02-12 Trondheim, Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst: Concert with Michael Francis Duch

  • 2008-03-03 Oslo, Belleville: Concert with SPUNK and Joelle Leandre

  • 2008-02-21Oslo, Soria Moria at 23.00: BylarmConcert: Unni Løvlid Ensemble

  • 2008-02-22 Oslo, DogA at 21: BylarmConcert: Unni Løvlid Ensemble

  • 2008-03-08 Bergen, Verftet at 19:00 Trio Alpaca perform my Systema Naturae together with works by Solberg and Rehnquist

  • 2008-03-29 Oslo, Sound of Mu Fritt Fall: Concert with Guro Skumsnes Moe

  • 2008-05-03 Bergen: Concert with Lemur

  • 2008-05-10 Balejazz: Unni Løvlid Ensemble

  • 2008-07-28 Trondheim, Britannia: Concert with Kobert and Trondheim Jazzorkester

  • 2008-08-01 Bodø Nordland Musikkfestuke: Concert in SPUNK-installation

  • 2008-08-23 Oslo, Henie-Onstad: Premiere of new work "LYS" by SPUNK for Henie-Onstad Art Centre

  • 2008-02-16 Oslo, Sound of Mu Fritt Fall: Concert with Tanja Orning


  • 2007-03-10 Oslo Sound of Mu: Fritt Fall

  • 2007-03-04 Vinterriss, Moss: First performance of Balladeriss, collaboratory work by 5 composers (including me) for Det Norske Blåseensemble

  • 2007-02-28 Norges Musikkhøgskole, Oslo: First performance of Tre eller Blod for soprano and bassclarinet by Silje Aker Johnsen and Petter Langfeldt Carlsen

  • 2007-02-14 Stockholm, Fylkingen at 19.30: Solo concert and collaborative work with the dancers Tove Sahlin and Niklas Valenti

  • 2007-03-13 Oslo, Parkteateret: Concert, Open Form

  • 2007-03-21 Gothenburg, Sweden Nefertiti: Concert tour arranged by the Swedish Concert Institute. With Sofia Jernberg.

  • 2007-02-03 Ilios festival, Harstad: First performance of Om speilet og splintene for Nordic Voices and 50-100 choirists from the region

  • 2007-03-20 Västerås, Sweden Culturen: Concert tour arranged by the Swedish Concert Institute. With Sofia Jernberg.

  • 2007-03-22 Malmö, Sweden Jeriko: Concert tour arranged by the Swedish Concert Institute. With Sofia Jernberg

  • 2007-03-23 Umeå, Sweden Café Escape: Concert tour arranged by the Swedish Concert Institute. With Sofia Jernberg

  • 2007-03-24 Luleå, Sweden Kulturens hus: Concert tour arranged by the Swedish Concert Institute. With Sofia Jernberg

  • 2007-03-29 Brest, France: SPUNK in concert

  • 2007-03-30 Paris, France Banlieues Bleues festival: SPUNK in concert

  • 2007-04-28 Oslo Sound of Mu: SPUNK

  • 2007-05-14 Oslo Belleville: Concert together with Hild Sofie Tafjord and Guro Skumsnes Moe

  • 2007-07-20 Oslo, Nydalen: at 20.07 Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK VII

  • 2007-08-29 Oslo Ladegården: Lyden av arbeidet Concert with Astrid Kvalbein, Risto Holopainen and Gjertrud Pedersen

  • 2007-09-01 Norrköping Nordic Music Days: First performance of Naturum non facit saltum for Östgöta blåsensemble

  • 2007-08-10 Gloppen: I am conducting Schönbergs Pierrot Lunaire at Gloppen kammermusikkfest

  • 2007-09-17 Oslo, Norges Musikkhøgskole: Garden works performed by Astrid Kvalbein and Gjertrud Pedersen together with works by Dusapin, Kruse

  • 2007-12-01 Asker kulturhus: I am playing parts of Slåtter, slag og slark. The percussion ensemble SISU plays the 2nd set.

  • 2007-11-11 Hamburg, Christianskirche am Klopstockplatz: At 20.00 Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-05-04 Oslo, Sagene Kulturverksted: Duo with Sigrun Eng. Opening of new concert series called [sic!].

  • 2007-10-07 Oslo, Parkteateret Ultima festival: Portrait Concert with my works: Garden Works, Systema Naturae (WP), Attitude, Duped and Effect without cause. With Ellen Aagaard, Gjertrud Pedersen, Trio Alpaca, Affinis and Lemur

  • 2007-09-30 Oslo Ultima festival: I am playing works by Heidel and Kolberg together with Ellen Ugelvik and Sigyn Fossnes

  • 2007-08-07 Oslo, Vulkan scene Gutvik Ukentlig: I am playing solo and Ketil Gutvik and Frode Gjerstad plays the 2nd set

  • 2007-08-30 Norrköping Nordic Music Days: I am performing Øivind Torvunds Bandroom V together with Anna Lindal, Håkon Stene, Anders Førisdal

  • 2007-09-28 Oslo, Sound of Mu: Concert together with Lucio Capece, Mattin, Harald Fetveit and Tonny Kluften

  • 2007-09-29 Oslo, Sound of Mu Fritt Fall at 15.00: Concert together with Tanja Orning. Celloduo with electronics

  • 2007-10-10 Oslo NMK-Forum: I am talking about my own works at 19.00

  • 2007-10-21 Trondheim: I am conducting the first performance of a new work by Mark Adderley for Affinis ensemble

  • 2007-11-24 Stockholm, Kulturhuset: Concert together with Sofia Jernberg. FRIM 30 years anniversary

  • 2007-12-08 Oslo, Blow out: Concert together with Joel Grip (bass) and Tatsuya Nakatani (perc)

  • 2007-10-14 Oslo Ultima festival: Blårollinger: SPUNK: Fire rare påfunn (concert for children)

  • 2007-11-04 Köln: Concert together with Sofia Jernberg

  • 2007-11-12 Amsterdam: Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-11-13 Västerås, Sweden: Culturen At 19.00: Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-11-14 Stockholm, Galleri Agueli: At 19.00 Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-11-17 Ystad, Ystads konstmuseum At 15.00 Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-11-20 Göteborg, Musikhøgskolan Concert and seminar with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-11-21 Oslo, Belleville At 21.00 Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-11-07-14. Nordic tour Trio Alpaca performs my Systema naturae together with works by Rehnquist and Solberg on concerts i

  • Norway, Sweden and Denmark

  • 2007-11-22 Hamar, Domkirken At 21.30 Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager

  • 2007-11-23 Trondheim, Kafe Ni Muser At 20.00 Concert with Lemur: Hild Sofie Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad, Michael Francis Duch and Lene Grenager


  • 2006-10-09 Reykjavik, Nordic Music Days: Grenager: Attitude performed by Aton ensemble

  • 2006-10-14 Universitetets Aula, Oslo: First performance of Grenager: Cello concerto at the Ultima Festival by Tanja Orning and Ensemble Ernst

  • 2006-10-26 Spasibar, Oslo: Concert together with Bo Wiget and Luigi Archetti arranged by Dans for Voksne

  • 2006-11-03 Deichmanske bibliotek, Oslo: Affinis ensemble in concert performing Grenager: Effect without cause (first performance), Duped (first performance) and my arrangements of Weill songs with singer Lisa Dillan

  • 2006-11-09 St Croix Kulturhus, Fredrikstad Høstriss: three movements from slåtter, slag og slark together with works by Tandberg, Mostad, Nordensten and Brustad

  • 2006-11-29 Dokkhuset, Trondheim: Concert together with Hild S. Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad and Michael Duch

  • 2006-11-30 Sound of Mu, Oslo: Concert together with Hild S. Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad and Michael Duch

  • 2006-12-01 Kunsthallen, Bergen: Concert together with Hild S. Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad and Michael Duch

  • 2006-12-03 Cementen, Stavanger: Concert together with Hild S. Tafjord, Bjørnar Habbestad and Michael Duch

  • 2006-02-08 Levanger: Concert with Trio Alpaca and Joy Farall: First performance of Kvartett

  • 2006-02-10 Oslo, Deichmanske bibliotek: Concert with Trio Alpaca and Joy Farrall: Kvartett

  • 2006-02-11 Trondheim, Erkebispegården: Concert with Trio Alpaca and Joy Farrall: Kvartett

  • 2006-03-17 Oslo, Biermansgården: Release concert Slåtter, slag og slark

  • 2006-03-15 Trondheim, Blæst Release concert: Slåtter, slag og slark

  • 2006-03-23 Oslo, Konserthuset Lille sal: I am conducting Schönbergs Pierrot Lunaire

  • 2006-05-13 Bergen: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2006-05-14 Oslo, Mono: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2006-06-20 Oslo, Nakholmen: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK part 6

  • 2006-06-23 Manchester: SPUNK first performance of Dreams of tall buildings/Joseph Byrd: White Elephant

  • 2006-08-10 Oslo, Kaos Øyafestivalen: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2006-09-30 Oslo, Fabrikken: Unni Løvlid ensemble

  • 2006-01-21 Oslo, Blå: SPUNK 10 years anniversary concert


  • 2005-01-05 Oslo, Kampenjazz: Concert with Slinger

  • 2005-01-13 Stockholm, Kulturhuset All Ears: Concert together with Michael Francis Duch and Jonna Sandell

  • 2005-01-14 Stockholm, Kulturhuset All Ears: Solo concert

  • 2005-01-16 Oslo, Deichmanske bibliotek All Ears: Concert with Sten Sandell

  • 2005-02-01 Oslo, Levinsalen: Concert with Slinger

  • 2005-02-19 Stockholm, Nalen Stockholm New Music: Concert with premiere of SPUNKs Jazzgym film

  • 2005-02-21 Oslo, Blå: SPUNK: Jazzgym Concert

  • 2005-04-06 Oslo, Parkteatret: I am conducting Peter Ablinger

  • 2005-04-24 Oslo, Deichmanske bibliotek: Portrait concert with my works Garden works (wp), Recycle, Attitude, Ein Hundeleben (wp)

  • 2005-05-20 Oslo, St Edmunds Church: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK part 5

  • 2005-01-22 Bergen, Kameleon: Concert with SPUNK

  • 2005-06-03 Copenhagen, Runde Tårn: Concert with Cikada String Quartet and Copenhagen Sax Quartet. Premiere of the work Late feet

  • 2005-07-23 Praha: SPUNK in concert

  • 2005-08-30 Narvik: Concert MIN-ensemble: Premiere of my work Baile

  • 2005-09-23 Toulouse: SPUNK in concert

  • 2005-11-03 Bodø, Sinus: Concert with Slinger

  • 2005-11-06 Oslo, Fabrikken Release concert SPUNK: En aldeles forferdelig sykdom

  • 2005-12-03 Bratislava, Next: SPUNK in concert


  • 2004-01-18Oslo, Chateau Neuf All Ears: concert together with Harald Fetveit

  • 2004-01-30 Harstad, Kulturhuset Ilios festival: I am conducting FMKN in a concert with my work Pendulum together with works by Schaathun, Xenakis and Ness

  • 2004-02-01 Harstad, Kulturhuset: Ilios Fetival: First performance of my Kvintett by Arctimus Ensemble

  • 2004-02-25 Oslo, Soria Moria: I am conducting Oslo Sinfonietta in a concert with work by Øivind Torvund

  • 2004-04-03 Oslo, Blå Fritt Fall: Concert with Harald Fetveit

  • 2004-04-20 Oslo, Nobel institute: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK IV

  • 2004-06-06 Oslo, Kunstindustrimuseet First performance of Attitude played by Affinis

  • 2004-08-13 Göteborg: SPUNK in Concert

  • 2004-08-14 Kalv, Sweden: Kalv festivalen: SPUNK in concert

  • 2004-08-21 Halden, Immanuelskirke: I play solo at a support concert for Kulturskolen i Halden

  • 2004-09-04 Riga, Latvia: SPUNK in concert

  • 2004-10-08 Oslo, parkteateret Ultima festival: I am conducting the first performance of Eivind Buene: Asymmetrical Music

  • 2004-10-10 Oslo, Blå Ultima festival: Blårollinger with SPUNK

  • 2004-10-30 Oslo, Blå Fritt Fall: Concert with Harald Fetveit

  • 2004-11-18 Oslo, Stenersenmuseet: Opening of exibition with Above Words by Elisabeth Mathiesen with my music


  • 2003-01-15 Oslo, Blå All Ears: Concert with Johan Bertling

  • 2003-03-09 Oslo, Blå: Blårollinger: SPUNK

  • 2003-03-20 Oslo, Oslo City: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK III

  • 2003-01-19 Oslo, Rockefeller: Impro to the film Häxan (1919)

  • 2003-02-22 Oslo, Blå Fritt Fall: Concert with Harald Fetveit

  • 2003-05-10 Oslo, Blå Fritt Fall: Monocordensemble

  • 2003-06-07 Stavanger, Tou Scene: SPUNK in concert

  • 2003-10-02-5. Oslo, Henie-Onstad: I am part of the performance of Maja S. K. Ratkjes opera "no title performance and sparkling water"

  • 2003-10-11 Oslo, Deichmanske bibliotek: SPUNK invades the library with concerts all over the building. SPUNK exibition in the music department

  • 2003-11-04 Trondheim, Kjellern: SPUNK in concert

  • 2003-11-27 Oslo, Parkteateret: SPUNK in concert


  • 2002-03-04-6. Northern Norway: Tour with Opera Omnia: POY

  • 2002-02-20 Oslo, Seilduksgata 25: Das Wohltemperierte SPUNK part II

  • 2002-04-06 Stavanger, Tou Scene: Music to extracts from Camus with the actor Andres Dale

  • 2002-04-20 Basel: SPUNK in Concert

  • 2002-04-21 Zürich, Rote fabrik: SPUNK in Concert

  • 2002-04-19 Stockholm, Fylkingen: SPUNK in Concert

  • 2002-04-29 Oslo, Månefisken: SPUNK in Concert

  • 2002-06-23 Oslo, Jakob Kirke: First performance of Recycle played by Cathrine Nyheim. I play a short improset.

  • 2002-07-27 Surnadal: I am conducting Schönberg: Pierrot Lunaire with Anne Lise Berntsen

  • 2002-07-26 Surnadal: I am conducting exerpts from Strauss: Salome with Anne Lise Berntsen.

  • 2002-07-28 Surnadal: Ottos Mops is performed

  • 2002-08-23 Oslo, Lindemansalen: Oslo Sinfonietta performes my Pendulum

  • 2002-09-21 Hønefoss: SPUNK in concert

  • 2002-10-11 London, Brick Lane: SPUNK in Concert

  • 2002-10-23 Edinburgh: SPUNK in concert

  • 2002-10-31 Graz, Musikprotokolle: SPUNK in concert

  • 2002-12-05-8. Oslo, Hausmans teater: 4 performances of Konkret Analyse, collaboratory work with Caroline W. Nesse, Marius Kjos (dance, coreography), Harald Fetveit (dance, light, stage) and Lene Grenager (composer, musician, dance)

  • 2002-12-20 Oslo, Kampenjazz: SPUNK in concert